About the Buckskin Heights Fire Committee
The Buckskin Heights Fire Committee is a neighborhood volunteer group that coordinates the fire mitigation and response efforts of property owners in the Buckskin Heights community. It maintains a comprehensive website with a wide range of fire mitigation information. It is organized, operates, and produced the documents linked on this page independently of the Buckskin Heights Road Association. However, the two groups work together whenever possible to promote the health, civic and general welfare of the community. For more information, contact Fire Committee Co-Chairs Michael Lowe (970-342-8864) or Rick Stahl (303-910-4331), both at [email protected].
GroupsIO Communication System
The free online emergency notification system hosted at Groups.IO provides BHRA property owners with an efficient way to communicate with everyone in the neighborhood. You can sign up and register to participate by contacting Sue Weber (315-806-4793 cell, [email protected]) or Justin Wilson ([email protected]).
Community Water Tank
A 2,800 gal community water storage tank is installed near the gate for fire suppression. It will help first responders respond quickly to any fire that starts in our neighborhood. The cost of about $5,400 was financed entirely by voluntary contributions from the community.
Fire Mitigation Documents
Fire Mitigation FAQs
Below are answers to frequently asked questions about wildfire mitigation. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, please reach out to the appropriate BHRA Board member on the Contact Us page or contact Fire Committee Co-Chairs Michael Lowe (970-342-8864) or Rick Stahl (303-910-4331), both at [email protected].
What is the fire danger?
The fire danger is almost always high all year round. Do not burn anything in an open fire. Most outdoor burning in Larimer County requires a permit signed by both your local fire protection district and the Larimer County Department of Health & Environment – you may apply for a Larimer County Burn Permit online. More information about community initiatives to mitigate fire danger and respond to fire threats is available from the Buckskin Heights Fire Committee website.
How can I prepare for a fire emergency?
The Fire Committee’s Buckskin Heights Wildfire Evacuation Plan provides comprehensive information on preparing for evacuation, evacuation routes and notices, etc. Read it carefully!
How can I sign up to get a reverse 911 call in an emergency?
You must sign up online with the Larimer Emergency Telephone Authority to get automated emergency phone calls in your area. There is no cost to you for this service and the information you enter is protected. You can enter your cell phones, a text device, email address, fax number, or work phone number. In addition, you can sign up to receive an alert at multiple addresses within Larimer County. All residents of Buckskin Heights are encouraged to sign up for LETA service by visiting the Larimer County web site at https://leta911.org/.
How can I communicate with neighbors in an emergency?
The Buckskin Heights Road Association maintains a free online GroupsIO Emergency Notification System hosted at Groups.io that allows us to communicate with one another in emergency situations. To participate, you can register by contacting Sue Weber (315-806-4793 cell, [email protected]) or Justin Wilson ([email protected]). For more information about how to use the GroupsIO system, download and print the GroupsIO Communication Guide.
What is our Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)?
After the enactment of the Healthy Forest Restoration Act (HFRA) in 2003, fire mitigation funding was made available to communities like Buckskin Heights that prepared a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Our CWPP was produced in 2006 and updated in 2017, and addresses issues of wildfire response, hazard mitigation, community preparedness, and structure protection. It clarified and refined our priorities for the protection of life, property, and critical infrastructure in the wildland urban interface. It continues to guide our community through valuable discussions regarding management options and implications for the surrounding watershed.
How can I mitigate fire danger on my property?
Our Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) has many specific valuable suggestions. The Fire Committee also has resources designed to help you mitigate fire danger on your property.
How can I benefit from and help fire mitigation efforts in Buckskin Heights?
Get involved in the Fire Committee! Its members organize neighborhood fire mitigation activities, provide consulting to property owners to create defensible spaces and other services, and welcome new members at any time. For more information, contact Fire Committee Co-Chairs Michael Lowe (970-342-8864) or Rick Stahl (303-910-4331), both at [email protected].
How can I protect my trees from pests?
The annual Colorado State Forest Service’s “Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests” provides current information about the life history, prevention and control of various tree pests.
©2025 Buckskin Heights Road Association
Contact webmaster at [email protected]